Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Beyond The Chronicles ...

What's a skating blogger to do when the event he just had so much fun blogging at doesn't happen again for another year.
Start up a brother (or sister) blog, of course.
And so, welcome to Breaking The Ice.
(catchy title, huh?)
What will you find here? Well, if you're looking for the definitive be-all and end-all blog filled with every shred of figure skating news and gossip that's out there ... sorry, but that's for somebody else to write. The parameters of my day job (they expect me to earn my pay) just don't allow me to spend that kind of time digging up that volume of ice-breaking stuff (see, there is a reason for that title).
Rather, what you'll find here are a mix of interesting tidbits I run across and some occasional commentary and views on the sport, with a dash of whimsy mixed in now and then.
Kinda like the recipe that made The Halifax Chronicles such a hit at the just-completed Canadian figure skating championships (hey, that's not just me talking. Ask the people who flattered the heck out of me with their compliments during my stay in Nova Scotia — the link is off to the right if you haven't seen that blog for yourself).
Being that I'm from Ottawa (see bio), naturally there will be more of an Eastern Ontario slant to things every once in awhile — it is, after all, my backyard rink, so to speak.
But I'll keep it fun and keep my blogging itch going. After all, 12 months (give or take a week or so) is just way too long to be away from skating posts, don't you agree?

1 comment:

Elizabeth May said...

Awesome! This will be great to read. :D